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Pedagogical Eurythmy

“It is the supreme example of the principle of all of Steiner's education that movement comes first, for the activity of the limbs awakens and vitalizes the experience of the head.”  


Art in education is necessary for the development of an intelligence that starts from the will and for the formation of creative capacities that take into account the human being as a whole, and are necessary when the most important thing is not the mere accumulation of knowledge, but the creation of original paths in their search and also of life skills, including social ones.

Eurythmy is an art whose instrument is not the violin, the brush, but the body itself as a means of expression, and acts as a factor of integration between the subjects and classes of the Waldorf curriculum, deepening learning by leading the whole body in a meaningful movement.

Special skills children develop in eurythmy include spatial and body orientation, rhythm, group work skills, bringing balance, self-confidence and the ability to think for yourself. One learns to control movement through rhythm and form - it is controlled movement. The movements are full of meaning, of the same nature as language itself.

“Because the individual recovers the revelation of his soul being in what is eurythmic, he will find through eurythmy, wherever it is applied in education, what will always prove to be an educational resource to develop a sense of truth. The more abstract languages become, the more distant they become from the truth.”(...) “In eurythmy, everything that became separated in language returns to the human being. In such a situation, when people have to immerse themselves in their sensations, when they make an instrument of themselves, they cannot fail to be truthful.” [1]


It has a harmonizing influence, stimulating vital forces; it can act by harmonizing constitutional tendencies and, above all, it causes a strengthening of the will.

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